Achieving Net Zero through MMC in West Yorkshire
Akerlof, commissioned by West Yorkshire Strategic Place Partnership, devised an action plan for adopting Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) across the region. The research identified how offsite opportunities can contribute to creating sustainable neighbourhoods, housing targets and net zero carbon goals.
What we did
The West Yorkshire SPP aims to leverage the strengths of Homes England and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and unlock the delivery of key place-based projects. Integral to this plan is an ambition to create and grow sustainable neighbourhoods, contributing to the region’s net zero carbon ambitions, with MMC identified as a potential catalyst for achieving these objectives.
Using a phased approach Akerlof reviewed the opportunities and barriers for the offsite supply chain in the region. The methodology considered the current housing delivery status, lessons learned, pipeline profile, regional supply chain and skills profile and potential delivery models. The research took a regional focus, looking at each element to identify unique needs and characteristics.
This research culminated in an action plan for the SPP, ensuring each recommendation was linked to strategic objectives for the region. The action plan sets out a route for sustainable MMC growth and new home delivery across the region.
The impact
- GIS mapping of the existing traditional build and offsite supply chain within West Yorkshire
- A regional review of lessons learnt within the offsite sector
- MMC case studies relevant to the West Yorkshire region
- Stakeholder engagement to understand appetite towards MMC
- Assessment of pipeline, identifying and testing credible opportunities for offsite supply chain delivery
- Skills profiling and analysis, identifying future skills gaps for offsite and mitigating actions
- Retrofit analysis, identifying opportunities for MMC
- An action plan linked to strategic objectives for the region
Don't just take our word for it...
Fiona Braithwaite, Senior Partnership and Business Development Manager, Homes England