Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) Standardisation Research and Kit of Parts - JULY UPDATE
Stakeholder engagement key findings
In June and July we hosted nine workshops to understand the barriers and opportunities for a digital kit of parts and standardisation for MMC in low-rise housing. We were bowled over by the attendance, with over 118 industry experts attending with background and expertise ranging from manufacturers to clients, contractors to clients, housing and digital.
The industry insight has given a lot to think about and are helping to inform the final shape of the digital kit of parts we are working on. Flick through some of our key findings below:
What you asked
A few questions were raised during the workshops… here are our answers.
Next steps
We might be a bit quiet for the next few weeks as we process the findings and define the what will be contained within the digital kit of parts. Once we have compiled this information, we’ll be hosting an online event to provide an update at the end of the summer – keep an eye on your inbox for an invite!
If you’d like to provide us any input and thoughts in the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out to We’re excited to share even more of our learnings with you then!
Best wishes,
The project team
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